Monthly Archives: September 2016

Take the Guess out of the Nut Game

Nut harvesting is serious business.  Whether you do it for pleasure, profit or peskiness (I’m taking to you, acorn people), customers seek products that get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Therefore, it is vital that you choose the correct nut picker upper.  My last post reviewed the various handheld nut pickers available at  In my next video, I’ve reviewed exactly why choosing the correct nut picker upper is vital to your nut picking up game.  Check it out:

If you are in doubt—have no fear.  Call us at 855-743-5537.  Please know the average size of the nut you are trying to pick up.  With this information, we can advise you on the best nut roller option.

Knowing your nut size is just as important for ordering the correct Bag-A-Nut.  We find this comes into play so often when harvesting black walnuts.  We sell three different size wheels for black walnuts—1 ½” to 2”, 2 ¼” to 3” and 3 ¼” to 4”.  These wheels are available in the lengths of 18”, 36” Push and 36” Pull Behind Bag-A-Nut.

To determine the correct Bag-A-Nut unit, measure your nuts and see what your average nut size is.  With this information, we can direct you to the best option for you.

When we say expert advice, we meant it.  We welcome customer calls and emails.

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Confused on Nut Picker Uppers? Watch this primer!

We get lots of calls at 855Sheller about nut picker uppers. Picking up nuts can be an unpleasant task– whether it is annoying acorns or delicious pecans that need cracking!  Nut Picker Uppers simply make the task easier and quicker.  Having trouble choosing the right picker upper?  We have two charts and a video to help you choose the correct one for your needs.  You can always call us at 855-Sheller (743-5537) for expert advice.  We look forward to making your nut season the best possible!

Nut Picker Upper Price Picks Up Pros Cons
Griffith Gatherer—Classic and Deluxe $21.95-25.95 Pecans Inexpensive, light-weight, two styles, easy to use Only picks up pecans
Southern Garden Tools Roller $49.95 Pecans, butternuts, English walnuts Collapsible handle, easy to use, larger basket, easy emptying Only one size
Holt’s Nut Wizard

(see chart below)

$58.95-64.95 All size nuts Made in the USA, comes in 5 different sizes, very sturdy Smaller collection basket, fixed handle
Stab-A-Nut $74.95 Two styles—one for smaller, one for larger New collapsible handle, easy nut release, two sizes for various sizes, add-on interchangeable head Highest price picker upper


Did you decide on a Nut Wizard?

Which Nut Wizard is Right for You?

Large Nut Wizard Medium Nut Wizard Small Nut Wizard Ex-Small Nut Wizard Mini Nut Wizard
1″ to 4″

» Black Walnuts

» Sweet Gumballs

» Apple and Pear Sized Fruit

» Magnolia Seed Heads

»Tennis Balls

3/4″ to 4″

»English Walnuts


»Red Oak


»Large Pecans

»Shotgun Shells

»Golf Balls

1/2″ to 2″

»Most Acorns


»Hickory Nuts


»Mocker Nuts

»Hazelnuts/ Filbert Nuts

»Crab Apples

3/8″ to 1″

»Chinquapi (a.k.a. Pin)


»Brass Casings
(9 mm and up)

3/8″ to 1″

»Chinquapi (a.k.a. Pin)


»Brass Casings
(.22 and up)

See our Nut Picker Upper Explainer Video for even more info!
Happy Nut Season to all!

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